18 research outputs found

    Design and performance of a Martian autonomous navigation system based on a smallsat constellation

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    Deciphering the genesis and evolution of the Martian polar caps can provide crucial understanding of Mars' climate system and will be a big step forward for comparative climatology of the terrestrial planets. The growing scientific interest for the exploration of Mars at high latitudes, together with the need of minimizing the resources onboard landers and rovers, motivates the need for an adequate navigation support from orbit. In the context of the ARES4SC study, we propose a novel concept based on a constellation that can support autonomous navigation of different kind of users devoted to scientific investigations of those regions. We study two constellations, that differ mainly for the semi-major axis and the inclination of the orbits, composed of 5 small satellites (based on the SmallSats design being developed in Argotec), offering dedicated coverage of the Mars polar regions. We focus on the architecture of the inter-satellite links (ISL), the key elements providing both ephemerides and time synchronization for the broadcasting of the navigation message. Our concept is based on suitably configured coherent links, able to suppress the adverse effects of on-board clock instabilities and to provide excellent range-rate accuracies between the constellation's nodes. The data quality allows attaining good positioning performance for both constellations with a largely autonomous system. Indeed, we show that ground support can be heavily reduced by employing an ISL communication architecture. Periodic synchronization of the clocks on-board the constellation nodes with terrestrial time (TT) is enabled through the main spacecraft (the mother-craft), the only element of the constellation enabling radio communication with the Earth. We report on the results of numerical simulations in different operational scenarios and show that a very high-quality orbit reconstruction can be obtained for the constellation nodes using a batch-sequential filter or a batch filter with overlapping arcs, that could be implemented on board the mother-craft, thus enabling a high level of navigation autonomy. The assessment of the achievable positioning accuracy with this concept is fundamental to evaluate the feasibility of a future positioning system providing a global coverage of the red planet

    The Determination of Titan Gravity Field from Doppler Tracking of the Cassini Spacecraft

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    In its tour of the Saturnian system, the spacecraft Cassini is carrying out measurements of the gravity field of Titan, whose knowledge is crucial for constraining the internal structure of the satellite. In the five flybys devoted to gravity science, the spacecraft is tracked in X (8.4 GHz) and Ka band (32.5 GHz) from the antennas of NASA's Deep Space Network. The use of a dual frequency downlink is used to mitigate the effects of interplanetary plasma, the largest noise source affecting Doppler measurements. Variations in the wet path delay are effectively compensated by means of advanced water vapor radiometers placed close to the ground antennas. The first three flybys occurred on February 27, 2006, December 28, 2006, and June 29, 2007. Two additional flybys are planned in July 2008 and May 2010. This paper presents the estimation of the mass and quadrupole field of Titan from the first two flybys, carried out by the Cassini Radio Science Team using a short arc orbit determination. The data from the two flybys are first independently fit using a dynamical model of the spacecraft and the bodies of the Saturnian system, and then combined in a multi-arc solution. Under the assumption that the higher degree harmonics are negligible, the estimated values of the gravity parameters from the combined, multi-arc solution are GM = 8978.1337 +/- 0.0025 km(exp 3) / s(exp 2), J (sub 2) = (2.7221 +/- 0.0185) 10 (exp -5) and C (sub 22) = (1.1159 +/- 0.0040) 10 (exp -5) The excellent agreement (within 1.7 sigma) of the results from the two flybys further increases the confidence in the solution and provides an a posteriori validation of the dynamical model

    Performance analysis of a martian polar navigation system

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    Deciphering the genesis and evolution of the Martian polar caps can provide critical understanding of Mars’ climate system and allow us to apply the lesson learned on the Earth about planetary climate change on other terrestrial planets. In this work, we present a novel mission concept that can support autonomous navigation of rovers devoted to scientific investigations of these regions. We propose a constellation of 5 small satellites with coverage over Mars polar regions, focusing on the positioning performance that can be obtained. Ground support can be heavily reduced by employing an inter-satellite link (ISL) communication architecture. Moreover, this concept may provide excellent range rate accuracies in the ISL leveraging on radio link architectures able to suppress the adverse effects of on-board clock instabilities. The constellation entails 5 satellites deployed on three quasi-circular high-altitude polar orbits. The configuration is composed by a main spacecraft in polar orbit and four spacecraft symmetrically located on two inclined orbits. The periodic synchronisation of the constellation clocks with ground is granted by the main spacecraft, the only element of the constellation communicating with Earth. We describe the overall architecture of the constellation and report on the results of our numerical simulations in different operational scenarios. We show that excellent orbital accuracies can be obtained for the constellation using a batch-sequential filter that can be easily implemented on board, thus enabling a high level of navigational autonomy. Furthermore, we analyse the effects of non-gravitational accelerations acting on the satellites and their modelling (based on the SmallSats design being developed in Argotec for Mars/Moon constellations) and assess their effects against the limited computational resources available onboard. The assessment of the achievable positioning accuracy is fundamental to evaluate the feasibility of a future positioning system providing a global coverage of the planet

    The Determination of the Rotational State and Interior Structure of Venus with VERITAS

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    Understanding the processes that led Venus to its current state and will drive its future evolution is a major objective of the next generation of orbiters. In this work we analyze the retrieval of the spin vector, the tidal response, and the moment of inertia of Venus with VERITAS, a NASA Discovery-class mission. By simulating a systematic joint analysis of Doppler tracking data and tie points provided by the onboard synthetic aperture radar, we show that VERITAS will provide accuracies (3σ) in the estimates of the tidal Love number k2 to 4.6 × 10−4, its tidal phase lag to 0°.05, and the moment of inertia factor to 9.8 × 10−4 (0.3% of the expected value). Applying these results to recent models of the Venus interior, we show that VERITAS will provide much-improved constraints on the interior structure of the planet

    Can Cassini detect a subsurface ocean on Titan from gravity measurements?

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    Recent models of Titan’s interior predict that the satellite contains an ocean of water and ammonia under an icy layer. Direct evidence for the presence of an ocean can be provided on the Cassini mission only by radio science determination of Titan Love number k2. Simulations that use the five flybys T11, T22 T33, T45, and T68 (the latter two belonging to the extended mission) lead to the result that in the elastic case, where the Love number is real, k2 will be determined with a one-sigma accuracy of 0.1. In the viscoelastic case, where k2 is complex, the real and imaginary parts of k2 will be determined with one sigma accuracies of 0.138 and 0.115, respectively. Ocean and oceanless models that include a viscoelastic rheology are built. In the viscoelastic case, there is a 93% probability to correctly predict the presence or absence of an ocean; this probability improves to 97% in the elastic case